Hello everyone, have you ever thought of the death of our lord Jesus, this originated from the fall of man in the garden of Eden, when man fell into sin. The consequences of the fall made God to send Adam and Eve out of the glorious garden of Eden, since then there had been a separation between God and man

How will God re recreate the relationship between himself and man? How will God put the sacrifices of animal to the end? These and many more where the questions pondering in the mind of God.

The answer to this made God to request for a man who will die for the world (sin) and use him as a permanent sacrifice and his blood would be shed and through it all the sins of men shall be permanently forgiven.

Ih heaven, it was a silent moment as no one could volunteer... but at a time, a man appeared to God and said father, here I am, send me. This man, who is he? He was seen to be the only son of God, A member in the company of the holy Trinity. He knew what man had lost due to the fall in the garden of Eden therefore, he stood to bridge the gap between God and man. He was made man through the incarnate of the holy spirit, was brought into the sinful word, suffered, tortured and died that man would be set free.. at the 9th hour of his crucifix, he said "my God my God why hath thought forsaken me" but at that time, it was too late because God's eye is too holy to behold sin... that means that HE was made sin...

He died, resurrected from the dead, the 40 day of his resurrection ascended into heaven, sitted at the right hand of God... that, man was saved.. tomorrow we celebrate this man.

who is this man,

he is the kings of kings,

he is the lord of lords,

the alpha and omega

He is the I am that I am

who is this man, HE is  Jesus Christ!! ...
Happy Easter from newsmeniac.blogspot.com
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